vSphere 101 – NTP Settings

I come across a lot of virtual environments (and physical) that don't have NTP (Time Servers) setup properly.  If you've ever worked in Active Directory, you know how important synchronized time can be - let alone with so many other…


VSAN Storage Profile Missing

  Recently, I was moving my lab away from the VSAN beta code, and onto the ESXi 5.5 update 1 bits.  I started fresh with my hosts, and simply upgraded my vCenter server.  However, I ran into an issue once…


Veeam and DataDomain

I've done a fair amount of installs of this combination, Veeam and EMC's DataDomain deduplication device.  The solution is a wonderful combination - but the number 1 complaint is that it is slow........slower than it should be. Why is it…


VSAN Announcement and Release

During the vmware.com/now event today, VMware announced some exciting news! Here's a quick rundown of some main points. VSAN will be Generally Available the week of March 10th! VSAN Licensing and pricing will be announced at GA Now scalable to…


Voting Open for Top Virtualization Blogs

It's official, the vSphere-land.com top virtualization blogs voting is here again. Please be sure to vote for your favorite bloggers (and me!). From vSphere-land: There are over 300 blogs dedicated to VMware and virtualization, here’s your chance to pick your…


VSAN – Installation

Installation of VMware's Virtual SAN (VSAN) couldn't be easier. No, really! To start with, in my lab environment, I have 4 servers that will participate in the VSAN cluster, and 3 of which will provide storage resources to the VSAN…


VSAN – Overview

This is part 1 in a new series covering VMware VSAN. Stay tuned for more! VMware VSAN (Virtual SAN) is a new storage offering from VMware, not to be confused with the VMware VSA (Virtual Storage Appliance), which serves a…