VSAN Storage Profile Missing

  Recently, I was moving my lab away from the VSAN beta code, and onto the ESXi 5.5 update 1 bits.  I started fresh with my hosts, and simply upgraded my vCenter server.  However, I ran into an issue once…


VSAN Announcement and Release

During the vmware.com/now event today, VMware announced some exciting news! Here's a quick rundown of some main points. VSAN will be Generally Available the week of March 10th! VSAN Licensing and pricing will be announced at GA Now scalable to…


VSAN – Installation

Installation of VMware's Virtual SAN (VSAN) couldn't be easier. No, really! To start with, in my lab environment, I have 4 servers that will participate in the VSAN cluster, and 3 of which will provide storage resources to the VSAN…